Friday, October 16, 2009


U-Neek is a very.. well.. unique store!
It has great quality stores for a very unique fashion. So the store owner has chosen their store name very wisely.
Their fashion is very colourful with stuff that you wouldn't see in any other store, very original.
Alot of their stuff in my own description would be 'cybergoth', they have alot of cyber stompers and cyberlox.

All items above can be found at the U-Neek mainstore, except for shape and eyes, for either 0L, 1L or 5L.
In every set they have displayed 1 item in each set is only 5L so you have to go through all of the items, and in some of the sets they also have another item that is 1L. So make sure to check them all out.
They also have a variety of hunts going on, and the owner has placed items around their store like big green stars, red anchs, and multicoloured ducks. These are buyable and contain a gift inside and usually are only 1L each.
Enjoy! (:

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