Monday, October 19, 2009

Barcode Mini Halloween Hunt

Barcode is a nice store with very great wares.. the owner Mackenzie Irling has decided
to set up a little Halloween hunt circulating through a few of her stores all over the place.
Every store has two little pumpkins to find, and they all contain a nice little clothing piece. :D
Here is some stuff you can get from the hunt (note: this is obviously not all of the stuff.. I want you to see
for yourself :D);

 All clothes here (except the basketball shoes which were from the Kowloon Basketball shoe festival) are from the hunt. When you go to the first store join the subscribo and get the info + pick up the welcome gift and the gift in the subsrcibo.
I started at the Barcode Mainstore at Hodgepodge. Have fun!

Skin: Summer Choice Reward
Hair: JUNWAVE Hair Shop
Shape: Custom by me
Shoes: Kowloon Basketball Shoe Festival.

Friday, October 16, 2009


U-Neek is a very.. well.. unique store!
It has great quality stores for a very unique fashion. So the store owner has chosen their store name very wisely.
Their fashion is very colourful with stuff that you wouldn't see in any other store, very original.
Alot of their stuff in my own description would be 'cybergoth', they have alot of cyber stompers and cyberlox.

All items above can be found at the U-Neek mainstore, except for shape and eyes, for either 0L, 1L or 5L.
In every set they have displayed 1 item in each set is only 5L so you have to go through all of the items, and in some of the sets they also have another item that is 1L. So make sure to check them all out.
They also have a variety of hunts going on, and the owner has placed items around their store like big green stars, red anchs, and multicoloured ducks. These are buyable and contain a gift inside and usually are only 1L each.
Enjoy! (:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

GF, Juicy Birthdays and Honey Kittys!

 Just a quick post with some pictures! :P
First are some outfits from G Field! The first two can be found at the G Field Mainstore.
The third outfit can be found at the Juicy Sim 2nd Anniversary.

 Next is a quick mention for the store Honey Kitty!
They currently have 2 group gifts, a kitty bag and a Halloween Sailors outfit.
They are both just so adorable and as soon as I got them I had to include them in this blog. :D

Not free:
Skin; Summer Choice Reward
Hair; JUNWAVE Hair Shop
Shape: Custom by me
Eyes: Drop Dead Diva past group gift
Extra links:

Slanted Fox

Ah, Slanted Fox.
Slanted Fox at Harajukubox is the place to be if you're looking for a great deal on great quality products.

All outfits above are from Slanted Fox at Harajukubox for either 1 lindens or 2 lindens except for the tank tops in picture 2 which are free from bffae.
The fatpacks are.. 4L each I think? It's a great deal for quality products.

Not free;
Skin; Summer Choice Reward
Hair; JUNWAVE Hair Shop
Shape: Custom by me
Eyes: Drop Dead Diva past group gift